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Take a walk through the Dahlia Garden

Three years ago, the Kitsap County Dahlia Society started a project when the Dahlia Society received a request from the former town manager Shana Smith to plant dahlias by the Post Office. The dahlias have become a big draw for visitors to Port Gamble, and they work hard to make sure that good varieties are planted there. The Dahlia Society also has a garden located behind the Post Office. The main purpose of that garden is to grow tubers for their popular annual tuber sale in April located in Silverdale.

“A visitor favorite is the ‘‘Harvey Koop’’ which is a dinner plate multi-colored flower” Port Gamble’s own Master Gardener Mark Smith said. His favorite is the “Ruthie G” which is pink with a kiss of yellow. Take a walk through the garden and find your favorite. Be sure to LIKE them on Facebook at Kitsap County Dahlia Society (KCDS) to stay up to date on their activities.