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It's time to get spooky around here...

It's that time of year when all of the ghosts and goblins come out to play. There are a lot of activities for you in not only Port Gamble, but all of North Kitsap! Bring the kids for this...Get a sitter for this...And for those who like to learn...Share this and tell all of your friends...   

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Historic Museum hours change for Fall & Winter

The Port Gamble Historic Museum enjoyed entertaining many visitors this past summer season. People from all over the world made a stop into the museum to learn about Port Gamble's long and storied history. Starting October 1st, the museum will be open Friday...

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Storm Recovery August 29th - ???

A powerful windstorm swept across western Washington this past weekend and created problems all over North Kitsap. Port Gamble was hit hard with overpowering wind gusts and torrential downpours. Electricity was knocked out early on Saturday August 29th and restored...

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Take a walk through the Dahlia Garden

Three years ago, the Kitsap County Dahlia Society started a project when the Dahlia Society received a request from the former town manager Shana Smith to plant dahlias by the Post Office. The dahlias have become a big draw for visitors to Port Gamble, and they work hard...

A Family Reunion that's one for the history books

On Monday August 3rd, 2015, the descendants of the Cooper, Hawkins and Hudson families attended a family reunion hosted by local historian and author Dick Osburn. The members of the families had not gathered for over 125 years. Olympic Property Group LLC President Jon Rose attended this historic reunion and was the keynote speaker for the event.

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Stretch Your Legs In Port Gamble on Your Next Road Trip!

Every year, we see so many groups traveling together stop in Port Gamble to stretch their legs. If you are looking for some ideas to make a fun stop on your road trip, then we have your solution. Stop in and get a bite or drink at Gamble Bay Coffee, Mike's Four Star BBQ...

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Port Gamble Goes to the Dogs

On July 11th - 13th, Port Gamble was home to the annual Muddy Paws Dog Agility Trials, a North American Dog Agility Council (NADAC) sanctioned event hosted by MudPack. The furry competitors took the field and completed 2 obstacle courses that were timed. A crowd...

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"Sense & Sensibility" Opens Today at The Port Gamble Theater

The Port Gamble Theater Co. is excited to present Jane Austen's "Sense & Sensibility" July 10th - 26th in the historic Port Gamble Theater, which is now 109 years old.  "Sense & Sensibility" is a novel by Jane Austen, and was her first published work when it appeared in 1811...

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Kitsap County Burn Ban in Effect. What is Allowed???

Effective 8:00 a.m. on Monday, 22 June 2015, all burning permits are rescinded throughout unincorporated Kitsap County. Recreational fires that are less than three feet in diameter and at least 25 feet from buildings and combustibles are allowed at this time as well as fires in...